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Italsupplies creates and commercializes Swedlinghaus restaurant equipments and more. Slicers, mincers, meat chopper, meat grinder, cleaning system for shells, electric cutters, ice cream display, pizza oven, grater, bones band saw and more usefull tools. Note: in Thailand you can call our agent at this telephone number:
Tel. 0982602182 English-Italian.
Italsupplies: manufacturer made in Thailand and made in Italy useful appliances for international restaurants, wine bars, ice cream shop, cake parlors and others dinner environments. All the products of Italsupplies and Swedlinghaus are born on the "battlefield". They are not only the simple answer to a market requirement. The ideas born on the work place, in an ice cream parlor, in the restaurant, in a pizzeria. Lots of hours are spent following all the operations in the production and in the selling. Observing the manager deal with the employs and with the owner, helping in the kitchen and even serving to the tables. Every request of employees, every desire of a customer are taken in consideration when projecting appliances, also in the simple drawing of a door of an shock freezer. All has to be easily cleanable, strong, restrained and with an easy fit dimensions to be placed even in a small corner, and not heavy. It has to be employee proof but also has to preserve a good shape. An easy machinery to use lifts the employees from useless thoughts. Please spend some time in the our products page to discover originally items as well as usual products for the daily management of an enterprise. Products page
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and also "with ice cream display", "flywheel slicer Thailand" and more keywordsProducts and equipments for restaurant for sale on this website:
meat mincer, mozzarella cheese cutter, slicers, bacon slicer, grater, bones band saw, meat slicer, ice cream showcases, ice cream display, pizza oven, ice cream cart, gas system for pizza oven, mussels wahers, pasta machine, pizza machinery.
All the products that are imported are imported directly without intermediaries straight from the factories. Please explore the web pages of our products to discover interesting details and more contents. Start easily your new business on your own. Open up your ice cream booth in the nearest Mall or Shopping center. Or another small bistro.
We can supply the machinery you need, no franchising required.
We could afford many recession times in Italy and around the world. As we not fear the challenges we also open a branch in Thailand as we repute an ever expanding tourism and business market. We supply only quality product most of them imported from Italy. We can,
in this way, providing the latest technology and sell constantly updating equipment. All the materials used in the products like stainless steel, insulation, refractory materials and electric components are in line with the actual legislation. Please contact us for more information you may
need at Thank you.Our hosting:
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